awaboom s.r.o. Apps

myLIGHT LED Flashlight Free 1.4.3
myLIGHT Free is not just an ordinaryapplication for putting on/off the LED. Instead, it’s anapplication about light. The purpose of this application is to giveyou all the different options a light can give :-)To enjoy your time while waiting for the application todownload, myLIGHT Free offers you a brief story:* A Story about Light *Once upon a time,At the very beginning of times,There was Light and Light was Light and the Light shinedeverywhere.Everything was filled with Light and there was nothing in theworld- no creature, no thing, no place- that wouldn’t reflectLight.The Light had many forms...It was everywhere you looked... in the eyes, in the smile, in thepeople, in love, in loneliness, even there where no light can beseen.And this is how it works today, too...Light always shines and it has many forms, though people can’talways see it.Why can‘t they?Don’t they want to?That’s unknown...The important thing is that everyone sees it at one point andexperiences the touch of Light...*******************************************App offers 5 useful modes:* Simple light* Strobe* Variable Strobe* Light on hold* White screenand 2 function:* Start light automatically* Sounds On/Off**********************************************************************Bring light to any events you spend with your friends. For anamazing experience from even more modes and functions, we encourageyou to download the full version :-)Key words: light, battery, LED, flash, white screen,flashing.Awaboom team wishes you a lot of fun while experiencing newtricks with light :-)
Impressia SK citaty Free 1.0
Impressia je aplikácia o úspechu, cieľoch anapredovaní. Jej úlohou je motivovať ľudí či už ráno do nového dňa,alebo počas dňa keď sa budú potrebovať „povzbudiť“ :-)Na príjemne strávenú chvíľu počas sťahovania Impressie Vámponúkame krátky príbeh:Osol a studňaJedného dňa spadol starý osol do starej studne. Chúďa zvierakričalo a volalo o pomoc niekoľko hodín a farmár sa snažilvymyslieť, čo urobiť. Nakoniec si uvedomil, že nepotrebuje anistudňu, ani osla a rozhodol sa studňu aj s oslom zasypať. Požiadalpár susedov, aby mu pomohli. Každý schytil lopatu a začal hádzaťhlinu a smetie do studne. Najprv osol hlasno kričal, ale potom sautíšil. Ešte tam hodili pár plných lopát a potom sa farmár pozreldo studne. Tam uvidel niečo nečakané. Keď hlina a smetie spadli naosla, on to otriasol a potom na to šliapol, aby sa dostal vyššie. Ačím viac farmári hádzali na osla hlinu a smetie, tým vyššievyšliapal. A nakoniec bol osol tak vysoko zo studne, že vyskočil aodbehol. Čo z toho plynie? Život na teba občas bude hádzať hlinu,rôzne druhy špiny. Umenie je to otriasť a šliapnuť vyššie. Každýnáš problém je schodík, po ktorom sa dá ísť vyššie. My tak môžemevyliezť aj z tých najhlbších studní. Len nesmieme prestať, nesmiemesa vzdať. Otrasme zo seba špinu a urobme krok vyššie!Impressia je prvou z celej rady aplikácii citátov a výrokov.Impressia Free Vám ponúka 101 starostlivo vybraných výrokov /citátov. Pre dokonalý zážitok z viac výrokov Vám odporúčame plnúverziu :-)Podeľte sa taktiež so svojimi obľúbenými citátmi / výrokmi spriateľmi prostredníctvom mailu, SMS, alebo zdieľaním na sociálnychmédiách.Kľúčové slová: citáty, výroky, úspech, motivácia, motivačné,motivačný, cieľ, napredovať, povzbudiť.Pozrite si tiež aplikáciu Romanca o láske a vzťahoch medziľuďmi.Úspešné vykročenie za úspechom Vám želá awaboom tím :-)Impress is theapplication of the success, goals and progress. Its mission is toencourage people, whether in the morning for the day, or during theday when you will need to "encourage" :-)Spent on a pleasant moment while downloading Impress we offer ashort story:Donkey and the wellJedného dňa fell starý ass do the old well. CHUD animal screamedand called for help several hours and farmer tried to figure outwhat to do. Finally realizing that either a need or a donkey anddecided to also study the swamp donkey. He asked a couple ofneighbors to help him. Každý grabbed a shovel and began to throwthe clay and debris into the well. First ass scream loud, but thencalmed. Still there threw a few shovels full, and then the farmerlooked into the well. There he saw something unexpected. When dirtand debris fell on a donkey, he shook it and then stepped on it toget higher. The more farmers throwing the clay on a donkey andgarbage, the higher vyšliapal. Finally the ass so high from thewell, it jumped up and ran off. What does that mean? Život at youoccasionally will throw the clay, various kinds of dirt. The art isto shake and tramples above. Each of our problem is a step, afterwhich it can go higher. My so we can climb and from the deepestwells. Just not stop, we must not give up. Otrasme špinu ofyourself and let us step up!Impress is the first of a wide range of applications quotationsand sayings. Impress Free offers 101 carefully selected sayings /quotes. For the best experience, we recommend more sayings fullversion :-)Also share with your favorite quotes / sayings with friends viaemail, SMS, or sharing in social media.Kľúčové words: quotes, statements, success, motivation,motivation, motivation, goal progress, encourage.See also has applied si romance about love and relationshipsbetween people.Successful sidestepping to success awaboom team wishes you:-)
Emergency light 1.4.3
Emergency light is a useful application thatbrings light just when you need it. It gets handy mainly insituations when you find yourself unexpectedly in the dark and needto find keys, documents, or just need a quick light. Light indifferent modes can also protect you and ensure safety for nighttraffic, or in the dark.**********************************************The application offers 5 usefol modes* simple light* flicker* flicker intensity selection* light while holding* white screenand 2 functions* light on/off after start* enable sound of button clicks**********************************************Key words: lamp, light, torch, LED, flash, flicker, whitescreenThe application was created with the support of POHOTOVOST,s.r.o. :-)
Impressia Success Quotes 1.0
awaboom s.r.o.
Impressia is an application about success,goals, and progress. The purpose of this application is to motivatepeople anytime. Some people might need the motivation from morningtill the next day, while others will only need it sometime duringthe day. :-)To enjoy your time while waiting for Impressia to download, wehave a short story for you:A Donkey and a WellOne day, a donkey fell into an old well. The poor animal spenthours crying for help, while a farmer tried to figure out how tohelp the donkey. Eventually the farmer made up his mind and decidedthat he doesn’t need the donkey nor the well. The farmer decided tofill up the well with earth. He asked his neighbors for help. Eachone of them took a shovel and began to throw the earth and dirtinto the well. At first, the donkey cried really loud, but heeventually became silent. The farmer and his neighbors threw insome more dirt and then the farmer took a peek at the inside of thewell. There, he spotted something unexpected. When the earth anddirt fell on the donkey, the donkey simply shook it off and stompedon it, elevating himself higher. The more dirt was thrown insidethe well, the higher the donkey got. The donkey eventually got highenough to jump out of the well and run away. What is the moral ofthis story? Life will sometimes throw dirt at you or other types oftrash. We should learn to shake it off and move on. Every problemwe encounter is a stair through which we can get higher. Like this,we can even get out of the deepest wells. The important is to notgive up. Let’s shake off the dirt and take a step higher!Impressia is the first application filled with various quotesand sayings. Impressia offers you 365 carefully chosenquotes/sayings, one for each day.Share some of your favorite quotes/sayings with your friendsthough email, SMS, or through social media.Key words: quotes, sayings, success, motivation, goal, progress,to motivateTake a look at an application called Romanca, which is aboutlove and relationships between people.Awaboom team wishes you a successful journey towards your goal:-)
Romanca Love Quotes 1.0
awaboom s.r.o.
Romanca is an application about love andrelationships between people. The purpose of this application is toplease the ones in love and to encourage people who gotdisappointed in love.To enjoy your time while waiting for the application Romanca todownload, we have a short story for you:The Chain and the CombOnce upon a time, a married couple once lived in this world in asmall village. Their love didn’t stop growing since the day theygot married. They were very poor and they both knew that each oneof them carried an unfulfilled wish in their heart. The man hadgolden pocket watch, which he inherited from his grandfather. Theman dreamed that one day he’ll buy a golden chain for the watch.The women dreamed about a pearl comb, which she would put in herlong, smooth, light hair.Years passed and the man kept thinking more and more about thecomb, which he would like to buy for his beloved wife, though hiswife nearly forgot about the comb by then. Instead, she was tryingto figure out a way to buy her husban the golden chain.For a very long time, they didn’t discuss it, though they stilledcarried their unfulfilled wishes with them.One morning, the day of their tenth anniversary, the woman came toher husband with a smile and a bald head. Her beautiful, long hairwas gone."What did you do, sweetheart?" He asked surprised.The woman showed him a golden chain."I sold them so that I could buy the golden chain for your pocketwatch.""Oh, what did you do," sighed the man, showing his wife the pearlcomb. "I sold the watch so that I could by the comb for you."They hugged, not needing anything else. Their love was strongerthan ever before.Romanca is the second application of the applications aboutquotes and sayings. Romanca offers you 365 carefully chosenquotes/sayings, one for each day.Share your favorite quotes/sayings with your friends throughemail, SMS, or social media.Key words: love, about love, to love, romance, romantic,feelings, heart, quotes, sayings, to encourage, to please, in love,disappointment, disappointed, relationship, relationships, lost,truth, relianceTake a look at an application called Impressia about success,goals, and progress.Awaboom team wishes you a successful journey towards love:-)
Impressia SK Motivacne citaty 1.0
awaboom s.r.o.
Impressia je aplikácia o úspechu, cieľoch anapredovaní. Jej úlohou je motivovať ľudí či už ráno do nového dňa,alebo počas dňa keď sa budú potrebovať „povzbudiť“ :-)Na príjemne strávenú chvíľu počas sťahovania Impressie Vámponúkame krátky príbeh:Osol a studňaJedného dňa spadol starý osol do starej studne. Chúďa zvierakričalo a volalo o pomoc niekoľko hodín a farmár sa snažilvymyslieť, čo urobiť. Nakoniec si uvedomil, že nepotrebuje anistudňu, ani osla a rozhodol sa studňu aj s oslom zasypať. Požiadalpár susedov, aby mu pomohli. Každý schytil lopatu a začal hádzaťhlinu a smetie do studne. Najprv osol hlasno kričal, ale potom sautíšil. Ešte tam hodili pár plných lopát a potom sa farmár pozreldo studne. Tam uvidel niečo nečakané. Keď hlina a smetie spadli naosla, on to otriasol a potom na to šliapol, aby sa dostal vyššie. Ačím viac farmári hádzali na osla hlinu a smetie, tým vyššievyšliapal. A nakoniec bol osol tak vysoko zo studne, že vyskočil aodbehol. Čo z toho plynie? Život na teba občas bude hádzať hlinu,rôzne druhy špiny. Umenie je to otriasť a šliapnuť vyššie. Každýnáš problém je schodík, po ktorom sa dá ísť vyššie. My tak môžemevyliezť aj z tých najhlbších studní. Len nesmieme prestať, nesmiemesa vzdať. Otrasme zo seba špinu a urobme krok vyššie!Impressia je prvou z celej rady aplikácii citátov a výrokov.Impressia Vám ponúka 365 starostlivo vybraných výrokov / citátov,jeden na každý deň.Podeľte sa taktiež so svojimi obľúbenými citátmi / výrokmi spriateľmi prostredníctvom mailu, SMS, alebo zdieľaním na sociálnychmédiách.Kľúčové slová: citáty, výroky, úspech, motivácia, motivačné,motivačný, cieľ, napredovať, povzbudiť.Pozrite si tiež aplikáciu Romanca o láske a vzťahoch medziľuďmi.Úspešné vykročenie za úspechom Vám želá awaboom tím :-)Impress is theapplication of the success, goals and progress. Its mission is toencourage people, whether in the morning for the day, or during theday when you will need to "encourage" :-)Spent on a pleasant moment while downloading Impress we offer ashort story:Donkey and the wellJedného dňa fell starý ass do the old well. CHUD animal screamedand called for help several hours and farmer tried to figure outwhat to do. Finally realizing that either a need or a donkey anddecided to also study the swamp donkey. He asked a couple ofneighbors to help him. Každý grabbed a shovel and began to throwthe clay and debris into the well. First ass scream loud, but thencalmed. Still there threw a few shovels full, and then the farmerlooked into the well. There he saw something unexpected. When dirtand debris fell on a donkey, he shook it and then stepped on it toget higher. The more farmers throwing the clay on a donkey andgarbage, the higher vyšliapal. Finally the ass so high from thewell, it jumped up and ran off. What does that mean? Život at youoccasionally will throw the clay, various kinds of dirt. The art isto shake and tramples above. Each of our problem is a step, afterwhich it can go higher. My so we can climb and from the deepestwells. Just not stop, we must not give up. Otrasme špinu ofyourself and let us step up!Impress is the first of a wide range of applications quotationsand sayings. Impress offers 365 carefully selected sayings /quotes, one for each day.Also share with your favorite quotes / sayings with friends viaemail, SMS, or sharing in social media.Kľúčové words: quotes, statements, success, motivation,motivation, motivation, goal progress, encourage.See also has applied si romance about love and relationshipsbetween people.Successful sidestepping to success awaboom team wishes you:-)
Lamp NFD 1.4
NFD Lamp is a useful application that bringslight just when you need it. It gets handy mainly in situationswhen you find yourself unexpectedly in the dark and need to findkeys, documents, or just need a quick light. Light in differentmodes can also protect you and ensure safety for night traffic, orin the dark.The application offers 5 usefol modes* simple light* flicker* flicker intensity selection* light while holding* white screenand 1 function (light on/off after start).Key words: lamp, light, torch, LED, flash, flicker, whitescreenThe application was created with the support of NFD - NASEFINANCNE DRUZSTVO cooperative.
myLIGHT LED Flashlight 1.7.2
awaboom s.r.o.
myLIGHT is not just an ordinary applicationfor putting on/off the LED. Instead, it’s an application aboutlight. The purpose of this application is to give you all thedifferent options a light can give :-)To enjoy your time while waiting for the application todownload, myLIGHT offers you a brief story:* A Story about Light *Once upon a time,At the very beginning of times,There was Light and Light was Light and the Light shinedeverywhere.Everything was filled with Light and there was nothing in theworld- no creature, no thing, no place- that wouldn’t reflectLight.The Light had many forms...It was everywhere you looked... in the eyes, in the smile, in thepeople, in love, in loneliness, even there where no light can beseen.And this is how it works today, too...Light always shines and it has many forms, though people can’talways see it.Why can‘t they?Don’t they want to?That’s unknown...The important thing is that everyone sees it at one point andexperiences the touch of Light...*******************************************myLIGHT is the first application of the very useful myXapplications.App offers 7 useful modes:* Simple light* Strobe* Variable Strobe* S.O.S.* Light on hold* Camera* White screenand 3 function:* Start light automatically* Keep light on after leaving app* Sounds On/Off*******************************************Bring light to any events you spend with your friends.Key words: light, battery, LED, flash, SOS, white screen,flashing, camera.Awaboom team wishes you a lot of fun while experiencing newtricks with light :-)
Družstevné výroky NFD 1.2
Aplikácia „Družstevné výroky NFD“ Vám ponúka101 starostlivo vybraných výrokov / citátov o družstevníctve,hospodárení s peniazmi a ľudové múdrosti.Podeľte sa taktiež so svojimi obľúbenými citátmi / výrokmi spriateľmi prostredníctvom mailu, SMS, alebo zdieľaním na sociálnychmédiách.Kľúčové slová: citáty, výroky, hospodárenie, peniaze, družstvo,družstevné, družstevníctvo, ľudové múdrosti.Aplikácia vznikla s podporou družstva NFD - NAŠE FINANČNÉDRUŽSTVO.The "Cooperativestatements NFD" offers 101 carefully selected sayings / quotesabout co-operatives, money management and folk wisdom.Share also with your favorite quotes / sayings with friends viaemail, SMS, or sharing in social media.Keywords: quotes, sayings, management, money, cooperative,cooperative, cooperative, folk wisdom.The application was supported by NFD - OUR financialcooperative.
Družstevní výroky NFD 1.2
Aplikace „Družstevní výroky NFD“ Vám nabízí101 pečlivě vybraných výroků / citátů o družstevnictví, hospodařenís penězi a lidové moudrosti.Podělte se také se svými oblíbenými citáty / výroky s přáteliprostřednictvím mailu, SMS, nebo sdílením na sociálníchmédiích.Klíčová slova: citáty, výroky, hospodaření, peníze, družstvo,družstevní, družstevnictví, lidové moudrosti.Aplikace vznikla s podporou družstva NFD - NAŠE FINANČNÍDRUŽSTVO.The "Cooperativestatements NFD" offers 101 carefully selected sayings / quotesabout co-operatives, money management, and folk wisdom.Share it well with your favorite quotes / sayings with friendsvia email, SMS, or sharing in social media.Keywords: quotes, sayings, management, money, cooperative,cooperative, cooperatives, folk wisdom.Applications created with the support of NFD - our financialcooperatives.
Fortuna Lucky Quotes Free 1.1
Fortuna is an application about happiness andthe special moments in our lives. The purpose of this applicationis to encourage people to take the time to think about theirhappiness and to make people realize that each one of us has thepotential to be happy :-)To enjoy your time while waiting for the application Fortuna todownload, we have a brief story for you:The Secret of HappinessA certain merchant sent his son to meet the smartest person todiscover the secret of happiness. The boy travelled through thedesert for 40 days until he reached a beautiful castle on a hugerock.There lived the mage that the boy was looking for.Our hero walked inside the rock and entered a hall. He expected tomeet a saint inside of there. Instead, he spotted numerousmerchants that were walking around, a number of people that weretalking and enjoying themselves in the corners, a small orchestrathat kept playing various beautiful melodies, and a table thatcontained different kinds of delicacies. The mage had discussionswith everyone and our hero waited for two hours until the mageapproached him.The mage patiently listened to the reason of boy’s arrival. Then,the mage told him that he doesn’t have the time to explain to himthe secret of happiness. However, he offered the boy to walk aroundthe palace and return in two hours.“However, I’d like to ask for a favor,“ said the mage and passedhim a teaspoon with two drops of oil. “While you’re walking aroundmy palace, carry the spoon in a way so that the oil won’tspill.“The boy walked up and down the numerous stairs of the palace, nottaking his eyes off the spoon. Two hours later he returned to themage.“How was it?“ asked the mage. “Did you get to see the Persiancarpets in my dining room? Did you visit the garden that my amazinggardener created in ten years? Did you notice the beautifulparchments in my library?“The embarrassed boy admitted that he saw none of it. His onlyconcern was not to spill the two drops of oil.“Well, then, go back and take a look at the miracles of my world,“said the mage. “You can’t trust me if you don’t know myhouse.“The boy, this time more calmly, took the spoon and walked throughthe palace again. This time, however, he examined all the artwork.He saw the gardens, surrounding mountains, and lovely flowers. Whenhe finished the visit, he came back to the mage and told him abouteverything he saw.“Where are the two drops of oil that I gave you?“ asked themage.The boy looked down at the spoon and realized that he spilled thedrops of oil.“This is the only advice I can give you,“ said the mage, thesmartest mage of all mages. “The secret of happiness is that we canadmire all the beauties of the world, but still should not forgetabout the two drops of oil that we have in our spoon.“Fortuna Free offers you 101 carefully chosen quotes/sayings. Foran amazing experience from even more quotes, we encourage you todownload the full version :-)Share your favorite quotes/sayings with your close ones throughemail, SMS, or social media.Key words: happiness, about happiness, unhappy, unhappiness,change, destiny, hope, if, what if, sayings, quotes, to encourage,to motivate, to please, lost, truth.Also take a look at applications Impressia (about success,goals, and progress), Romanca (about love and relationships betweenpeople) and Devita (about life).Awaboom team wishes you happy moments spent with Fortuna :-)
Devita Life Quotes Free 1.1
Devita is an application about life.Thepurpose of this application is to motivate and encourage peopleandhelp them think about all the reasons why and how to live.To enjoy your time while waiting for the application Devitatodownload, we have a brief story for you:OneOne time, one of our friends was taking a walk through amexicanbeach, watching the sunset. As he was walking, he spottedanotherman. Once the man was closer to him, our friend realizedthat theman was a local. The man kept bending down, pickingsomething up,and throwing it into the water. He did this again andagain. Onceour friend was even closer to the man, he realized thatthe localwas collecting starfish, which have been laying around thebeach,and one after one, he threw them into the water.Our friend was a little confused. He approached the man andsaid,“Good evening, mate. I can’t quite figure out whatyou’redoing.”“I am throwing these starfish back into the sea. As you can see,thesea has brought them upon this beach. If I don’t throw thembackinto the sea, they won’t have enough oxygen and theywilldie.”“I understand that,” our friend said. “But there aresurelythousands of starfish on this beach. It is absolutelyimpossible tosave all of them. They are too many. And you’re alsoprobablyforgetting that this is probably happening to starfish onhundredsof other beaches. Can’t you see that you’re makingnodifference?”The local smiled, bent down, picked up another starfish, andthrewit back into the sea.He said, “But this one will live.”Devita Free offers you 101 carefully chosen quotes/sayings.Foran amazing experience from even more quotes, we encourage youtodownload the full version :-)Share your favorite quotes/sayings with your close onesthroughemail, SMS, or social media.Key words: life, about life, to live, to spend,successful,change, destiny, hope, if, what if, sayings, quotes, toencourage,to motivate, to please, lost, truthAlso take a look at applications Impressia (about success,goals,and progress), Romanca (about love and relationshipsbetweenpeople), and Fortuna (about happiness and the specialmoments inour lives).Awaboom team wishes you to experience pleasant momentswithDevita :-)
Romanca Love Quotes Free 1.1
Romanca is an application about loveandrelationships between people. The purpose of this application istoplease the ones in love and to encourage people whogotdisappointed in love.To enjoy your time while waiting for the application Romancatodownload, we have a short story for you:The Chain and the CombOnce upon a time, a married couple once lived in this world inasmall village. Their love didn’t stop growing since the daytheygot married. They were very poor and they both knew that eachoneof them carried an unfulfilled wish in their heart. The manhadgolden pocket watch, which he inherited from his grandfather.Theman dreamed that one day he’ll buy a golden chain for thewatch.The women dreamed about a pearl comb, which she would put inherlong, smooth, light hair.Years passed and the man kept thinking more and more about thecomb,which he would like to buy for his beloved wife, though hiswifenearly forgot about the comb by then. Instead, she was tryingtofigure out a way to buy her husban the golden chain.For a very long time, they didn’t discuss it, though theystilledcarried their unfulfilled wishes with them.One morning, the day of their tenth anniversary, the woman cametoher husband with a smile and a bald head. Her beautiful, longhairwas gone."What did you do, sweetheart?" He asked surprised.The woman showed him a golden chain."I sold them so that I could buy the golden chain for yourpocketwatch.""Oh, what did you do," sighed the man, showing his wife thepearlcomb. "I sold the watch so that I could by the comb foryou."They hugged, not needing anything else. Their love was strongerthanever before.Romanca is the second application of the applicationsaboutquotes and sayings. Romanca Free offers you 101 carefullychosenquotes/sayings. For an amazing experience from even morequotes, weencourage you to download the full version :-)Share your favorite quotes/sayings with your friendsthroughemail, SMS, or social media.Key words: love, about love, to love, romance,romantic,feelings, heart, quotes, sayings, to encourage, to please,in love,disappointment, disappointed, relationship, relationships,lost,truth, relianceTake a look at an application called Impressia aboutsuccess,goals, and progress.Awaboom team wishes you a successful journey towards love:-)
Guess My Number! Puzzle game 1.2.2
Guess My Number (GMN) is a fun game inwhichyou have to try and guess the number your Phone chooses. Thechoiceof the number is random, while your guesses won't be. Eachtime youguess, your Phone will give you a clue to how close you aretoguessing the actual number. People of all ages can enjoy thisfungame. Who doesn't like to guess? Not only is this game funandentertaining, but it is also educational. This applicationcanpromote the understanding of the concept of bigger andsmallernumbers, especially for younger children.While you wait for this application to download, you canenjoyyour time reading this brief poem that we wrote for you:I'm thinking of a number...I'm thinking of a number.It could be as simple as one or three.I'm thinking of a numberJust for you and me.I'm thinking of a number.You may think about it for a second or two,I'm thinking of a number.And I might even help you out with a clue.I'm thinking of a number.Why don't you try and guess?I'm thinking of a number.I hope it won't cause any stress.I'm thinking of a number.It seems like now you're thinking of it, too.We're thinking of a number-Just me and you :-)Music & Sounds created by great DJ EddieSender/
Impressia Success Quotes Free 1.1
Impressia is an application aboutsuccess,goals, and progress. The purpose of this application is tomotivatepeople anytime. Some people might need the motivation frommorningtill the next day, while others will only need it sometimeduringthe day :-)To enjoy your time while waiting for Impressia to download,wehave a short story for you:A Donkey and a WellOne day, a donkey fell into an old well. The poor animalspenthours crying for help, while a farmer tried to figure out howtohelp the donkey. Eventually the farmer made up his mind anddecidedthat he doesn’t need the donkey nor the well. The farmerdecided tofill up the well with earth. He asked his neighbors forhelp. Eachone of them took a shovel and began to throw the earthand dirtinto the well. At first, the donkey cried really loud, butheeventually became silent. The farmer and his neighbors threwinsome more dirt and then the farmer took a peek at the inside ofthewell. There, he spotted something unexpected. When the earthanddirt fell on the donkey, the donkey simply shook it off andstompedon it, elevating himself higher. The more dirt was throwninsidethe well, the higher the donkey got. The donkey eventuallygot highenough to jump out of the well and run away. What is themoral ofthis story? Life will sometimes throw dirt at you or othertypes oftrash. We should learn to shake it off and move on. Everyproblemwe encounter is a stair through which we can get higher.Like this,we can even get out of the deepest wells. The importantis to notgive up. Let’s shake off the dirt and take a stephigher!Impressia is the first application filled with various quotesandsayings. Impressia Free offers you 101 carefullychosenquotes/sayings. For an amazing experience from even morequotes, weencourage you to download the full version :-)Share some of your favorite quotes/sayings with yourfriendsthough email, SMS, or through social media.Key words: quotes, sayings, success, motivation, goal,progress,to motivateTake a look at an application called Romanca, which is aboutloveand relationships between people.Awaboom team wishes you a successful journey towards yourgoal:-)
Defend: Ukraine 1.01
Two nations with two very differentmindsetsfind themselves in an irreversible struggle.This struggle evolves and escalates into a full on battle inwhichinnocent people die, families are torn apart, and miseryreplaceshappiness and harmony.Airplanes, tanks, and soldiers begin to surround anotherUkrainiancity, prepared and determined to conquer it.But we won’t let this happen!We CAN’T let this happen!The Ukrainian army needs YOU to help them defend their landandpeople.If you are brave enough and ready to fight hard for what isrightand human, quickly enlist and help Ukraine before it will betoolate!I can already see the enemies marching with demonic looks ontheirfaces…
Radio Kosice 1.2.1
Stiahnite si Rádio Košice aj do svojho mobiluapočúvajte ho online, kdekoľvek ste!Nová aplikácia Rádia Košice Vám prináša:stream vysielania Rádia Košice, aktuálne metropolitnésprávy,aktuálne dopravné správy z Košíc, Prešova, Michaloviec,Trebišova,Rožňavy a ich okolia.Download the radioandKošice to your phone and listen to it online, wherever you are!New application Rádia Košice Brought to you by:stream of Radio Kosice, the current metropolitan news,real-timetraffic reports from Kosice, Presov, Michalovce, TrebišovŘožňavaand their surroundings.
Táto aplikácia je určená iba preobchodníkovspoločnosti POHOTOVOSŤ, s. r. o.This applicationisintended only for traders of AVAILABILITY, p. r. about.
Club NFD 1.1.1
Táto aplikácia je určená iba prečlenovdružstva NFD.This applicationisintended only for members of the NFD.
Save the Blowfish 1.0.2
Save Mrs. Blowfish!Your friend, Mrs. Blowfish, urgently needs your HELP!The big bad gangster fish will eat your friend unless YOU helpherstay in the corals.She is too weak without you.Quickly! Run before they get your mate!
Mano's Pexeso Kids Memory Game 1.0
So, you think you got what it takesTo draw two cards and remember their place?Maybe you'll need to find two snakes,Or some other furry face.But dogs howl and cats fidget,Maybe instead you'll find some digit.Pick two twos or two fours,Each of these will raise your scores.Now that we've had one, two, three,What about the ABC?A pairs with A, but not B with G.Are you sure that you can handle me?Around you, you can see yellow, pink, blue, or green,But will you find them once they're nowhere to be seen?Don't be shy, play this game with me,And practice your memory.
Radio SPORT 2.0
Nová aplikácia Rádio Šport ponúka- živé vysielanie Rádia Šport vždy a všade,- všetky články a novinky z webu priamo vovašomsmartfóne formou RSS,aby ste mali informácie ešte zahorúca,- zvukový podcast Rádia Šport, kde nájdete zaujímavé rozhovoryareportáže,- všetky užitočné informácie, kontakty a facebook Rádia Šport.The new app offersSportsRadio- Live broadcasts of Radio Sport always and everywhere,- All articles and news from the web directlyonyour smartphone by RSS  to have more information Hotly,- Audio podcast Radio sport where you will findinterestinginterviews and reportage,- Any useful information, contacts and facebook love sports.
Cytaty spółdzielcze NFD 1.2
Aplikacja „Cytaty spółdzielcze NFD“ oferuje101starannie wybranych złotych myśli / cytatów dotyczącychspółdzielni,zarządzania pieniędzmi oraz mądrości ludowe.Podziel się swoimi ulubionymi sentencjami / porzekadłamizprzyjaciółmi za pośrednictwem poczty e-mail, SMS, lubudostępniającje poprzez media socjalne.Słowa kluczowe: cytaty, porzekadła, złote myśli,sentencje,przysłowia, aforyzmy, finanse, spółdzielnia,spółdzielcze,spółdzielczość, mądrości ludowe.Aplikacja powstała przy wsparciu spółdzielni NFD -NASZASPÓŁDZIELNIA FINANSOWA.The "QuotescooperativeNFD" offers 101 carefully chosen words of wisdom /quotes oncooperatives, money management, and folk wisdom.Share your favorite sayings / porzekadłami with friendsviaemail, SMS, or providing it through social media.Keywords: quotes, sayings, maxims, maxims, proverbs,aphorisms,finance, cooperative, cooperative, cooperative, folkwisdom.The application was created with the support of cooperative NFD-OUR FINANCIAL COOPERATIVE.